C++ named requirements: Container

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C++ named requirements

A Container is an object used to store other objects and taking care of the management of the memory used by the objects it contains.


Given the following types and values:

Type Definition
T an object type
C a container class containing objects of type T
Value Definition
u, v values of type C or const C
mv a value of type C
cv a value of type const C
lhs, rhs lvalues of type C
i, j values of type C::iterator or const C::iterator

C satisfies the requirements of Container if the following types, statements, and expressions are well-formed and have the specified semantics:


Type Definition Requirements
typename C::value_type T T is CopyConstructible(until C++11)Erasable from C(since C++11).
typename C::reference T& No explicit requirement
typename C::const_reference const T&
typename C::iterator an iterator type
typename C::const_iterator a constant iterator type C::const_iterator is a LegacyForwardIterator, and its value type is T.
typename C::difference_type a signed integer type C::difference_type is the same as the difference type of C::iterator and C::const_iterator.
typename C::size_type an unsigned integer type C::size_type is large enough to represent all non-negative values of C::difference_type.


Statement Semantics  Complexity 
C c;

C c = C();

Postcondition  c.empty() is true. constant
C c(v);

C c = C(v);


If v is not an rvalue of type C, T is CopyInsertable into C.

(since C++11)
  • If v is an lvalue, c == v is true.
  • If v is an rvalue, and c and v do not refer to the same object(since C++11), c is equal to the value that v had before this construction.
  1. If v is an rvalue of type C, and C is not a specialization of std::array or std::inplace_vector, the complexity is constant.


Expression Type Semantics  Complexity 
C() C Postcondition  C().empty() is true. constant
C(v) C Precondition

If v is not an rvalue of type C, T is CopyInsertable into C.

(since C++11)
  • If v is an lvalue, C(v) == v is true.
  • If v is an rvalue, and C(v) and v do not refer to the same object(since C++11), C(v) is equal to the value that v had before this construction.
lhs = v C& Postcondition
  • If v is an lvalue, lhs == v is true.
  • If v is an rvalue, and lv and v do not refer to the same object(since C++11), lhs is equal to the value that v had before this assignment.
v.~C() void Effect Destroys all elements of v and deallocates all memory obtained. linear
mv.begin() C::iterator Effect Returns an iterator pointing to the first element of mv. constant
cv.begin() C::const_iterator Effect Returns an iterator pointing to the first element of cv. constant
mv.end() C::iterator Effect Returns the past-the-end iterator of mv. constant
cv.end() C::const_iterator Effect Returns the past-the-end iterator of cv. constant
(since C++11)
C::const_iterator Effect Returns const_cast<const C&>(v).begin(). constant
(since C++11)
C::const_iterator Effect Returns const_cast<const C&>(v).end(). constant
i <=> j
(since C++20)
std::strong_ordering     Constraint This expression is only required to be well-formed if C::iterator satisfies the random access iterator requirements. constant
u == v bool Effect Returns
u.size() == v.size() &&
         u.end(), v.begin())
(until C++14)
std::equal(u.begin(), u.end(),
           v.begin(), v.end())
(since C++14)
u != v Effect Equivalent to !(u == v).

swap(lhs, rhs)

void Effect Exchanges the contents of lhs and rhs. constant[3]
v.size() C::size_type Effect Returns the number of elements[4] of v. constant
v.max_size() C::size_type Effect Returns the number of elements of the largest possible container of type C. constant
v.empty() bool Effect Returns v.begin() == v.end(). constant
Optional container requirements
(only provided for some types of containers)
u <=> v
(since C++20)
Precondition Either T models three_way_comparable, or operator< is a total ordering relationship defined for values of type T and const T. linear
Effect Returns std::lexicographical_compare_three_way
    (u.begin(), u.end(),
     v.begin(), v.end(),
     synth-three-way )
  1. If v is an rvalue of type C, and C is a specialization of std::array or std::inplace_vector, the complexity is linear.
  2. If u.size() != v.size() is true, the complexity is constant.
  3. If C is a specialization of std::array or std::inplace_vector, the complexity is linear.
  4. The number of elements is defined by the rules of constructors, inserts, and erases. It is equal to the value of std::distance(v.begin(), v.end()).
  5. If the iterators passed to std::lexicographical_compare_three_way are ConstexprIterators, the operation is implemented by constexpr functions.

In the expressions i == j, i != j, i < j, i <= j, i >= j, i > j and i - j, if i and/or j are replaced by iterators of type C::const_iterator pointing to the same element respectively, the semantics remain the same.

Container data races

See container thread safety.

Defect reports

The following behavior-changing defect reports were applied retroactively to previously published C++ standards.

DR Applied to Behavior as published Correct behavior
LWG 179 C++98 iterator and const_iterator types might be incomparable required to be comparable
LWG 276 C++98 T was required to be CopyAssignable T is required to be
LWG 322 C++98 the value types of iterator and const_iterator were not specified specified as T
LWG 774 C++98 there was no requirement on swap(a, b) added
LWG 883 C++98 a.swap(b) was defined as swap(a, b),
resulted in circular definition
defined as exchanging
the values of a and b
LWG 1319 C++98 iterator and const_iterator
might not have multipass guarantee
they are required to satisfy
the requirements of
LWG 2114
C++98 non-bool return types of some functions were allowed disallowed
LWG 2182 C++98 the types deonted by reference and
const_reference were poorly specified
improved wording
LWG 2257 C++98 two containers required linear time to compare
equal even if they have different sizes
only requires constant
time in this case
LWG 2263 C++11 the resolution of LWG issue 179 was accidentally dropped in C++11 restored
LWG 2839 C++11 self move assignment of standard containers was not allowed allowed but the
result is unspecified
N3346 C++11 C::value_type was required to be Destructible required to be Erasable from C

See also

C++ documentation for Containers library