C++ named requirements: LayoutMappingPolicy (since C++23)

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C++ named requirements

LayoutMappingPolicy is a type used to specify layout policy of std::mdspan. It provides a member alias template whose specialization is a LayoutMapping type.


A type MP satisfies LayoutMappingPolicy if the type requirements shown below are valid:


Type Definition
MP a layout mapping policy class
M a layout mapping class
E a specialization of std::extents

Type requirements

  • MP::mapping<E> is valid and denotes a type M that satisfies LayoutMapping.
  • M::layout_type is valid and denotes a type MP.
  • M::extents_type is valid and denotes a type E.

See also

column-major multidimensional array layout mapping policy; leftmost extent has stride 1
row-major multidimensional array layout mapping policy; rightmost extent has stride 1
a layout mapping policy with user-defined strides
column-major layout mapping policy with padding stride that can be greater than or equal to the leftmost extent
(class template)
row-major layout mapping policy with padding stride that can be greater than or equal to the rightmost extent
(class template)