std::ranges::concat_view<Views...>::iterator<Const>::satisfy, prev, advance-fwd, advance-bwd

< cpp‎ | ranges‎ | concat view‎ | iterator
Ranges library
Range adaptors

The following exposition-only member function templates simplify the description.

Each helper function template has a non-type template parameter of type std::size_t.

  • If the name of the template parameter is N, the template argument is always it_ .index().
  • If the name of the template parameter is I, the template argument can be any std::size_t value in [0sizeof...(Views)).

However, the template argument might not be a compile-time constant, therefore the actual effect of helper <non_const>(/* arguments */) is similar to if (non_const == 0)
    helper <0>(/* arguments */);
else if (non_const == 1)
    helper <1>(/* arguments */);
/* other indices */
else if (non_const == (sizeof...(Views) - 1))
    helper <sizeof...(Views) - 1>(/* arguments */);

Helper templates

Mini helper templates

template< std::size_t N >
constexpr auto /*get-iter*/();
(1) (exposition only*)
template< std::size_t I >
constexpr auto /*get-view*/();
(2) (exposition only*)
template< std::size_t I >
constexpr auto /*get-begin*/();
(3) (exposition only*)
template< std::size_t I >
constexpr auto /*get-end*/();
(4) (exposition only*)
template< std::size_t N >
constexpr auto /*to-underlying-diff-type*/( difference_type value );
(5) (exposition only*)

The mini helper templates simplify the description of the main helper templates and member functions. They are not included in the C++ standard documents.

1) Obtains the underlying iterator contained in it_ .
Returns std::get<N>(it_ ).
2) Obtains the Ith view in the parent concat_view.
Returns std::get<I>(parent_ ->views_ ).
3) Obtains an iterator to the beginning of the Ith view in the parent concat_view.
Returns ranges::begin(get-view <I>()).
4) Obtains a past-the-end iterator or a sentinel of the Ith view in the parent concat_view.
Returns ranges::end(get-view <I>()).
5) Converts value to the underlying difference type of the underlying iterator contained in it_ .
Returns static_cast<std::iter_difference_t<std::variant_alternative_t<N, base-iter >>>(value).


template< std::size_t N >
constexpr void /*satisfy*/();
(exposition only*)

Adjusts the current (global) position of it_ .

  • If N is sizeof...(Views) - 1, does nothing.
  • Otherwise, equivalent to if (get-iter <N>() == get-end <N>())
        it_ .template emplace<N + 1>(get-begin <N + 1>());
        satisfy <N + 1>();


template< size_t N >
constexpr void /*prev*/();
(exposition only*)

Moves it_ to the previous (global) position.

  • If N is 0, equivalent to --get-iter <0>();.
  • Otherwise, equivalent to if (get-iter <N>() == get-begin <N>())
        it_ .template emplace<N - 1>(get-end <N - 1>());
        prev <N - 1>();
        --get-iter <0>();


template< size_t N >

constexpr void /*advance-fwd*/( difference_type offset,

                                difference_type steps );
(exposition only*)

Advances the current (global) position step steps forward.


offset - the offset of the current (global) position from the beginning of range it_ currently refers into
steps - the number of steps to advance forward


template< size_t N >

constexpr void /*advance-bwd*/( difference_type offset,

                                difference_type steps );
(exposition only*)

Advances the current (global) position steps steps backward.


offset - the offset of the current (global) position from the beginning of range it_ currently refers into
steps - the number of steps to advance backward