Non-propagating cache (C++20)

< cpp‎ | ranges
Ranges library
Range adaptors
Helper items
(until C++23)  (C++23)

template< class T >

    requires std::is_object_v<T>

class /*non-propagating-cache*/;
(since C++20)
(exposition only*)

Some range adaptors such as ranges::join_view and ranges::lazy_split_view conditionally store value (e.g. an iterator) which is specified in terms of an exposition-only class template non-propagating-cache.

The wrapper behaves exactly like std::optional<T>, except that:

  • it does not copy the value of the source when it is copy constructed or assigned to,
  • it resets the value of the source when it is moved-from,
  • it resets its value when it is assigned from, and
  • it additionally provides a member function template to enable an input view to temporarily cache values as it is iterated over.

The wrapper encapsulates a cache containing a value. Clearing cache is an operation equivalent to resetting a contained value. Such operation is performed when copying or moving a wrapper.

Template parameters

T - the type of the contained value, must be an object type

Member functions

Copy and move constructors

constexpr /*non-propagating-cache*/
    ( const /*non-propagating-cache*/& ) noexcept {}
(1) (since C++20)
constexpr /*non-propagating-cache*/
    ( /*non-propagating-cache*/&& other ) noexcept { other.reset(); }
(2) (since C++20)
1) The copy constructor has no effect.
2) The move constructor clears the cache of other.

Copy and move assignment operators

constexpr /*non-propagating-cache*/&

    operator=( const /*non-propagating-cache*/& other ) noexcept
    if (std::addressof(other) != this)
    return *this;

(1) (since C++20)
constexpr /*non-propagating-cache*/&

    operator=( /*non-propagating-cache*/&& other ) noexcept
    return *this;

(2) (since C++20)
1) The copy assignment operator clears the cache of *this.
2) The move assignment operator clears caches of both *this and other.


template< class I >
constexpr T& /*emplace-deref*/( const I& i );
(since C++20)
(exposition only*)

Initializes the contained value by direct-initializing (but not direct-list-initializing) with *i. If *this already contains a value before the call, reset() is called.

Returns a reference to the new contained value.

The program is ill-formed unless the declaration T t(*i); is well-formed for some invented variable t. If *i is a prvalue of possibly cv-qualified T, then it is not required to be movable.

Members identical to std::optional

Member functions

constructs the optional object
(public member function of std::optional<T>)
destroys the contained value, if there is one
(public member function of std::optional<T>)
assigns contents
(public member function of std::optional<T>)
accesses the contained value
(public member function of std::optional<T>)
checks whether the object contains a value
(public member function of std::optional<T>)
destroys any contained value
(public member function of std::optional<T>)
constructs the contained value in-place
(public member function of std::optional<T>)


non-propagating-cache is used in implementations to cache the result of begin() to provide an amortized constant time complexity of the method.

See also

a view consisting of the sequence obtained from flattening a view of ranges
(class template) (range adaptor object)
a view consisting of the sequence obtained from flattening a view of ranges, with the delimiter in between elements
(class template) (range adaptor object)
a view over the subranges obtained from splitting another view using a delimiter
(class template) (range adaptor object)
a view over the subranges obtained from splitting another view using a delimiter
(class template) (range adaptor object)
a range of views that are N-sized non-overlapping successive chunks of the elements of another view
(class template) (range adaptor object)