
Ranges library
Range adaptors
template< bool Const >
class /*sentinel*/
(exposition only*)

ranges::join_with_view<V, Pattern>::sentinel is the type of the sentinels returned by end() of ranges::join_with_view<V, Pattern>.

If an iterator compares equal with a sentinel, the iterator is a past-the-end iterator.

Template parameters

Const - whether the sentinel corresponds to a constant iterator

Nested types

Name Definition
Parent maybe-const <Const, ranges::join_with_view<V, Pattern>>
(exposition-only member type*)
Base maybe-const <Const, V>
(exposition-only member type*)

Data members

Member Description
ranges::sentinel_t<Base > end_ the sentinel of the parent range
(exposition-only member object*)

Member functions

constructs a sentinel
(public member function)

Non-member functions

compares a sentinel with an iterator returned from join_with_view::begin