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bencodeparser.cpp Example File

    ** Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
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    ** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
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    #include "bencodeparser.h"

    #include <QList>
    #include <QMetaType>


    bool BencodeParser::parse(const QByteArray &content)
        if (content.isEmpty()) {
            errString = QString("No content");
            return false;

        this->content = content;
        index = 0;
        infoStart = 0;
        infoLength = 0;
        return getDictionary(&dictionaryValue);

    QString BencodeParser::errorString() const
        return errString;

    QMap<QByteArray, QVariant> BencodeParser::dictionary() const
        return dictionaryValue;

    QByteArray BencodeParser::infoSection() const
        return content.mid(infoStart, infoLength);

    bool BencodeParser::getByteString(QByteArray *byteString)
        const int contentSize = content.size();
        int size = -1;
        do {
            char c = content.at(index);
            if (c < '0' || c > '9') {
                if (size == -1)
                    return false;
                if (c != ':') {
                    errString = QString("Unexpected character at pos %1: %2")
                    return false;
            if (size == -1)
                size = 0;
            size *= 10;
            size += c - '0';
        } while (++index < contentSize);

        if (byteString)
            *byteString = content.mid(index, size);
        index += size;
        return true;

    bool BencodeParser::getInteger(qint64 *integer)
        const int contentSize = content.size();
        if (content.at(index) != 'i')
            return false;

        qint64 num = -1;
        bool negative = false;

        do {
            char c = content.at(index);
            if (c < '0' || c > '9') {
                if (num == -1) {
                    if (c != '-' || negative)
                        return false;
                    negative = true;
                } else {
                    if (c != 'e') {
                        errString = QString("Unexpected character at pos %1: %2")
                        return false;
            if (num == -1)
                num = 0;
            num *= 10;
            num += c - '0';
        } while (++index < contentSize);

        if (integer)
            *integer = negative ? -num : num;
        return true;

    bool BencodeParser::getList(QList<QVariant> *list)
        const int contentSize = content.size();
        if (content.at(index) != 'l')
            return false;

        QList<QVariant> tmp;

        do {
            if (content.at(index) == 'e') {

            qint64 number;
            QByteArray byteString;
            QList<QVariant> tmpList;
            QMap<QByteArray, QVariant> dictionary;

            if (getInteger(&number))
                tmp << number;
            else if (getByteString(&byteString))
                tmp << byteString;
            else if (getList(&tmpList))
                tmp << tmpList;
            else if (getDictionary(&dictionary))
                tmp << qVariantFromValue<QMap<QByteArray, QVariant> >(dictionary);
            else {
                errString = QString("error at index %1").arg(index);
                return false;
        } while (index < contentSize);

        if (list)
            *list = tmp;
        return true;

    bool BencodeParser::getDictionary(QMap<QByteArray, QVariant> *dictionary)
        const int contentSize = content.size();
        if (content.at(index) != 'd')
            return false;

        QMap<QByteArray, QVariant> tmp;

        do {
            if (content.at(index) == 'e') {

            QByteArray key;
            if (!getByteString(&key))

            if (key == "info")
              infoStart = index;

            qint64 number;
            QByteArray byteString;
            QList<QVariant> tmpList;
            QMap<QByteArray, QVariant> dictionary;

            if (getInteger(&number))
                tmp.insert(key, number);
            else if (getByteString(&byteString))
                tmp.insert(key, byteString);
            else if (getList(&tmpList))
                tmp.insert(key, tmpList);
            else if (getDictionary(&dictionary))
                tmp.insert(key, qVariantFromValue<QMap<QByteArray, QVariant> >(dictionary));
            else {
                errString = QString("error at index %1").arg(index);
                return false;

            if (key == "info")
              infoLength = index - infoStart;

        } while (index < contentSize);

        if (dictionary)
            *dictionary = tmp;
        return true;

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Qt 4.1.3