Microprocessor Systems

Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering semester IV

Lecture agenda

  • Microprocessor systems, embedded systems
  • Laboratory
  • Family of ARM processors
  • Peripheral devices
  • Memory and address decoders
  • Embedded programs based on ARM processors
  • Methodology of designing embedded systems
  • Interfaces in embedded systems
  • Real-time microprocessor systems

  • Informations

    Exam 1

    The Exam 1 is scheduled to Monday, January 27, 2025, 12.15 - 13.00 (lecture room A3)

    Exam 2

    The Exam 2 is scheduled to Monday, February 3, 2025, 9.15 - 10.00 (lecture room A3)

    Exam 3

    The Exam 3 is scheduled to Monday, February 10, 2025, 9.15 - 10.00 (lecture room A3)


    Lecture assessment

    Exam consists of 10 questions and 2 case studies

    Laboratory assessment

    Evaluation of lab exercises
    The programs are evaluated during laboratory hours. Programs not fulfilling the requirements (not working according to the specification, having resource management problems, buffer overruns, uninitialized variables etc.) will be graded to 40% maximum. In such a case, the student will have the opportunity to fix the errors, with some penalty in the score (approx. 5%-10% per problem detected by the grader), if submitted early enough. Programs must fulfil all the requirements stated during the laboratory (presented at the beginning of the laboratory). Students are supposed to document the specification for exercises and the requirements on a piece of paper. During the acceptance of the program, the grader will ask the student a few questions regarding the program, and the answers will affect the score. The source program will be evaluated to 50% maximum. The remaining 50% of score will be graded based on the student answer to asked questions.

    Recommended reading

    1. Lecture materials
    2. A. Dean, "Embedded Systems Fundamentals with ARM Cortex-M based Microcontrollers: A Practical Approach", ARM Education Media, 2017, ISBN-13 9781911531012, ISBN-10 1911531018
    3. C. Noviello, "Mastering STM32 - Second Edition", Leanpub 2022
    4. STM32 iMCU Developer Resources

    Grading policy

    The laboratory and the examination are graded on a scale from 0 to 100%. It is necessary to obtain a minimum of 50% from both in order to pass a class. The final grade is determined on the basis of the weighted average of grades from laboratory (50%) and examination (50%). The following table is a mapping between the weighted average and the final grade.


    The final mark for laboratory will consists of marks obtained during each laboratory with the following wages:

    Lecture slides STM

    1. Introduction to Embedded Systems
    2. Peripheral Devices, Timers and Interfaces
    3. Interfaces in Embedded Systems
    4. Methodology of Designing Embedded Systems

    Laboratory materials STM

    STM32 Microcontroller lab (Windows)

    (C) Dariusz Makowski, modified: 02-03-2023,10:49:27